Class of ’09: The Flip Side

Class of ’09: The Flip Side

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Class of ’09: The Flip Side is a sequel to the original visual novel. The sarcastic and rude heroine Ashley returns, but now she must face more adult challenges and the complexities of life after high school.

You will find:

  • A Lot of Sharp Humor
  • Sarcazm
  • Unflattering Statements
  • Multi-Layered Narrative
  • Entertaining Themes


After graduating from high school, the game’s protagonist enters college, but is faced with a harsh reality. Her previous methods of manipulation and control over others no longer work as they used to. Unlike the past, college becomes a world for her where people are more mature, experienced, and insightful. She, accustomed to the role of the queen of ridicule, is faced with the fact that she can no longer influence others with the same ease.


The storyline of Class of ’09: The Flip Side is built around a girl’s internal struggle with reality. Amidst her harsh comments, we see her begin to question her ability to cope with the new challenges of life. This is not only a story about cynicism, but also a profound tale of how a person faces growing up while trying to find their place on the planet.

In Class of ’09: The Flip Side, the player is constantly faced with moral and social choices that directly affect the character’s development and her relationships with others. You can continue your path of scheming, moving through the building, scheming and using people to achieve your goals.

Or you can gradually begin to rethink your actions and seek a path to personal growth. These decisions open up different endings in the game, from complete isolation and disappointment to great change.

New Heroes

The characters Ashley encounters in the game are significantly different from those she had known before. They are now people with their own goals and ambitions, who are not subject to her control and are not inclined to let her control them.


  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Old Comrades
  • Additional Staff


The girl in Class of ’09: The Flip Side also begins to notice that her past does not let her go. Memories of her victories and much more gradually surface. She increasingly wonders if she had self-confidence.

These reflections become the basis for deeper internal conflicts that may lead to a complete revision of her life philosophy. Learn to balance between lightness and seriousness! In this game you must not make mistakes and overcome all your inner demons!

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