Fran Bow Chapter 4

Fran Bow Chapter 4

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The main character is a little girl who witnessed a terrible crime. This happened in her own house with her parents. The child’s father and mother were killed and brutally dismembered! She was very frightened by the picture she saw and ran into the dark forest.

The little one took her beloved black cat with her. It is a gift from the family and his name is Mr. Midnight! She fell asleep from stress, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the hospital. This was where her mental and emotional health was to be addressed. The loss of the pet caused the girl to have mysterious dreams.

She doesn’t hesitate to run away from there in search of it. And now the players will witness everything that happens to her along the way! In Fran Bow Chapter 4 you will find a new story, where there will be a huge number of puzzles! Will you be able to reach your aunt?

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